# This workflow will build a golang project # For more information see: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-go
# Documentation: https://docs.brew.sh/Formula-Cookbook # https://rubydoc.brew.sh/Formula # PLEASE REMOVE ALL GENERATED COMMENTS BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR PULL REQUEST! classPfTools < Formula desc "基于go 开发的 命令行小工具" homepage "" url "https://github.com/PFinal-tool/pf_tools/releases/download/v1.0.0/pf_tools-darwin_amd64" sha256 "ea263aa15e0b5376d1238fbe3d9c394cda335679ab4a0f44467a5cd6eb03334b" license "NOASSERTION"
# depends_on "cmake" => :build
definstall # Remove unrecognized options if they cause configure to fail # https://rubydoc.brew.sh/Formula.html#std_configure_args-instance_method system "./configure", "--disable-silent-rules", *std_configure_args # system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", *std_cmake_args end
test do # `test do` will create, run in and delete a temporary directory. # # This test will fail and we won't accept that! For Homebrew/homebrew-core # this will need to be a test that verifies the functionality of the # software. Run the test with `brew test pf_tools`. Options passed # to `brew install` such as `--HEAD` also need to be provided to `brew test`. # # The installed folder is not in the path, so use the entire path to any # executables being tested: `system bin/"program", "do", "something"`. system "false" end end
classPfTools < Formula desc "命令行小工具集合" homepage "https://github.com/PFinal-tool/pf_tools" version "1.0.1"
ifHardware::CPU.intel? url "https://github.com/PFinal-tool/pf_tools/releases/download/v1.0.1/pf_tools-darwin_amd64" sha256 "d58b2b0b4d9efb6f7e86f6816d1b7d86a3b64db630012a3a1e5f6088ccd1dc7c" elsifHardware::CPU.arm? url "https://github.com/PFinal-tool/pf_tools/releases/download/v1.0.1/pf_tools-darwin_arm64" sha256 "1fd49c1c3a518ecbb1ca4a2e48961461acc3b67958e188b76031523f437fbb58" else odie "Unsupported CPU architecture" end
definstall bin.install "pf_tools-darwin_amd64" => "pf_tools"ifHardware::CPU.intel? bin.install "pf_tools-darwin_arm64" => "pf_tools"ifHardware::CPU.arm? system "xattr", "-c", "#{bin}/pf_tools" end end